Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Week Two....

It is odd to think we have been home only two weeks.  It seems like China was another lifetime...not sure why, and I am way too tired to try and figure it out!  

Regardless, we have had a great second week.  Our biggest news this week is that Abby started first grade this past Monday.  She got up Monday morning and asked if she was going to Anita's house.  I told her no, that was she was going to school.  She was so excited that she jumped up, ran to her room, got dressed, and then grabbed her backpack and stood by the door.  Wow...if only the boys could show a fraction of that enthusiasm!

She did a half day on Monday - I picked her up around 11:30.  We did not even make it to the car before she had opened her backpack to show me her papers.  She was so excited!  She chattered all the way home...I hate that I couldn't understand every detail (or any detail for that matter) of her first day at school.  I finally had her call our friend May who speaks Mandarin.  Abby told her that she liked school alot and that her teacher and new friends were really nice to her.  She also said that she was not scared at all. (I didn't think she was judging by how quickly she said goodbye to me, but it was nice to know for sure!)

The staff at the school and Abby's teachers have been WONDERFUL!   They are all so excited to see her every morning and are stopping me in the hall almost daily to share details of Abby's day.  I love it! It just thrills me to know that Abby has been so welcomed and cared for at school!

Also this week, we visited our pediatrician for Abby's first appointment.  She weighed in at 44 pounds and was 42 inches tall.  She had her hemoglobin checked (not a fan of the finger prick), an initial urinalysis (much easier for the boys!), and two shots (ouch!).  By the time we left, she had definitely had enough and cried most of the way home.  Overall, the doctor was pleased with her mobility and said she looked healthy.  He will be calling in a referral to Shriner's in Tampa so we can begin addressing some of Abby's medical needs.  She will also need to go in a few days and have more blood work done, but we will worry about that next week.  For now, we are back to the fun....

1 comment:

  1. Glad she is enjoying school and that everything is going so well! She looks so happy and full of joy!
