Tuesday, July 23, 2013


We got an update today and with that update came....NEW pictures!!!  Nine of them to be exact!  And if new pictures were not enough excitement for today, we also received the news we had been waiting for.

This means we should have confirmed travel dates very soon!  I cannot wait to book those flights!  

And because I just cannot resist showing another picture....isn't she the most adorable little girl ever???

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Come on TA!

Look what came today!  We are ready to go (well, not packed or anything), but so READY!!!  Come on, TA!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Waiting on TA....

We are currently waiting on the CCCWA to issue our TA, which stands for Travel Approval.  Once we have our TA in hand, we can make an appointment with the US Embassy in China and then we can finally book our flights!  I am so very excited!!!  We are almost there!!!