Monday, March 25, 2013

On the way....

Today was the first day of my Spring Break and I spent the entire day putting the finishing touches on our dossier.  All of the copies are made and everything has been assembled correctly, at least I hope so!  We are allowed to send a photo album and a letter to our little girl.  Both of these items proved to be very difficult.  How do you write a letter to a child you have never met?  What can I say to ease her fears, to let her know how much we love her, and how excited we are that she is to become a part of our family?  And the photos...which pictures do we send?  How do we showcase our life in pictures so that she will come to "know" us?  What will she want to see?  What will she want to know about our lives?  We spent most of the weekend working on the photo album, finally including pictures of us, our house, her school, her soon to be extended family...I pray that the pictures along with my letter will make their way to her and begin to prepare her for what is to come.

Here is the final result, right before everything went into a rather large FedEx stop - the adoption agency in Oregon and to China!!!

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